Tuesday, August 24, 2010

convicted by....katy perry?

I'm going through a really odd mix of emotions right now. I'm going to be honest, I have little to no respect for Katy Perry. So...THAT'S out there.
Selling music based off a catchy beat and hanging your cleavage out so no one actually attempts to judge you based on your heart and/or intelligence doesn't really...I don't know...do it for me?
I know that's probably a little harsh, but after reading her Wikipedia page (seriously) I really have a difficult time appreciating her "art."
She was actually raised by Christian parents (father was a pastor) and grew up only being allowed to listen to gospel music. She began pursuing her music career in early high school and released her first (gospel...yep) album in 2001.
After several stints with numerous record labels she finally made it big with "I Kissed a Girl" in 2008. What a difference seven years can make.
The way I see it, she wanted nothing more than to make music. Since she couldn't survive in the Christian industry, she took a 180 (that's putting it nicely) and decided to make music that could fulfill men's fantasies both lyrically and visually in order to "make it."
Maybe I'm off base, but as an outsider this certainly looks like what transpired.
Earlier today on Twitter I caught a glimpse of Andy Merrick's post:
last night my friend @nicatnitemusic said katy perry's song "who am i living for" was amazing. she was right. most profound pop song award!
This kinda piqued my interest so I went to You Tube and gave a listen.
I was (and maybe still am) a little blown away. Wait, can you really be a little blown away? Probably not.
SUDDEN STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS RESULTING IN COMEDIC OBSERVATION: How bothersome is it when people use the wrong verbage/adverbage to give something significance? Specifically, the word literally. "That literally blew my mind." Really? So you are telling me that the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processeses inside of you just exploded? Come on, pal.
The song literally shocked me (Sorry, I couldn't resist. Unfortunately, the joke isn't as funny as it could have been if I would have referenced it later in this post. I believe it's referred to as a "call back").
OK, let's try this again. It is an amazingly moving song!! Honestly, of any new "secular" (man, I hate that term) song I've heard in a very long time, this is absolutely screaming for Jesus. Here are the lyrics to the chorus:
I can see the writing on the wall,
I can't ignore this war,
At the end of it all,
Who am I living for?

I truly commend Miss Perry for putting this song on her new album. I know millions of people will listen to it and not see that she is singing about Jesus, but like everything else, some will. Unfortunately, they have to buy an album with a half naked woman on the front to get to it, but the message is getting out and if just one person is reached, praise God. He certainly DOES work in mysterious ways.
Some people might raise the concern that I'm digging for spiritual meaning in a place it doesn't exist, so here is your proof. Take a listen.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"i think we're going to have to watch that again."

Sooooo, Lost. Yep, just can't let it die can I? Of all my friends who watched the finale, I think it was a pretty even split down the middle of those who were satisfied with the show's conclusion and those that thought it was absolutely terrible. Notice I said 'satisfied with the conclusion' and not 'loved the conclusion.' I think this is a pretty key statement.
I personally was very satisfied (not ecstatic) about the ending. I really thought the show could not have ended any better than it did. Why didn't I love it then? I agonized week after week wanting answers...for six years. After the finale, I hadn't gotten any of those answers. Zero. But, the satisfaction of the finale came from the emotional attachment I had put into these characters...for six years. I genuinely cared about these people and what happened to them. In 'The End,' I got closure to the biggest the biggest question I never asked. Why THESE people? That ending in the church was the conclusion of the story this group of people I put so much stock in. And it was beautiful.
ANYWAY, I'm not writing this as a recap of the Lost finale. Been there done that. I'm putting you all through this set up because you are all about to get many of your Lost questions answered. Seriously.
After the finale, I read in Entertainment Weekly that they were going to add an epilogue to the Season 6 DVD called "The New Man in Charge" that would give you a little further insight into what happened on the island after the plain left and Jack died next to Vincent (tear). It was a brief glimpse into the lives of Hurley and Ben as leaders of the island.
Well, a friend somehow found it. Yep. I just watched it. I was promised answers but really wasn't expecting a whole lot. In the words of John Locke when he doesn't push the button, "I WAS WRONG!"
In my previous entry where I offered my thoughts on the finale, I listed my own top 8 unanswered questions to Lost. In this 12 minute video, I got an answer to 4 of those, plus 3 more major answers to questions I did not have listed. That equals 7 kids! 7 major Lost answers in 12 minutes!!!
Those answers include:
1) Pierre Chang and all his names.
2) Why women can't have children on the island.
3) Polar bears? On a tropical island???
4) The food pallet drop.
5) How Dharma learned of Jacob.
7) And most importantly......actually, I'll save the last one for the video. :)
How about I just share it, huh?! I thought about not including the link just to be funny, but I quickly realized it would not JUST be funny, but equal parts funny and horrible.
The video player is a little goofy. When you hit the red play button in the middle, it will turn green after a couple seconds. You'll have to hit play again to view "The New Man in Charge!" So, take a deep breath, grab your popcorn and enjoy your answers!
Hmm, sorry, for some reason when I post this as a link it doesn't show up when I publish. Guess you have to do it the old fashioned way and copy and paste. Sorry for the inconvience.